Thursday, June 27, 2019

Song Joong Ki Files For Divorce From Song Hye Kyo

Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo got married in October 2017 after starring together in the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun

Song Joong Ki has officially filed for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.

On June 27, Song Joong Ki’s attorney Park Jae Hyun officially announced, “Our law firm filed for divorce on behalf of Song Joong Ki at the Seoul Family Court on June 26. Additionally, we would like to convey Song Joong Ki’s official statement.”

In his statement, Song Joong Ki apologized to his fans and explained that he hoped for an amicable divorce. The actor’s full statement is as follows:

Hello. This is Song Joong Ki.

First, I’d like to apologize for delivering this unfortunate news to the many fans who love and care for me.

I have begun the process of filing for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.
Rather than denouncing one another and arguing over who is to blame, I hope that the divorce process can be wrapped up amicably.

I ask for your understanding in regards to the fact that it is difficult to discuss the details of my personal life, and I will recover from my current wounds and do my utmost as an actor to repay you through great productions in the future.

Thank you.
Following Song Joong Ki’s announcement that he has filed for a divorce, shortly afterwards, Song Hye Kyo’s agency United Artists Agency (UAA) Korea responded to the news on behalf of the actress.

A representative of the agency stated, “We find it unfortunate that we are greeting you with unhappy news. After careful consideration, actress Song Hye Kyo and her husband are taking the first steps toward a divorce.”

“The reason [for the divorce] is differences in personality,” continued the agency, “and because the two were unable to overcome their differences, they were forced to come to this decision. We respectfully ask for your understanding in regards to the fact that we cannot confirm any further details out of respect for the two actors’ personal lives. Additionally, we urge you to refrain from making scandalous posts and speculative comments.”

Such a surprising news this morning. I remember how spectacular it was when the two of them announced their marriage two years back. Yet, with such a classic excuse of "the differences in personality", the two decided to end their marriage. I don't know what's the meaning of marriage for them or everyone elese, but for me, it is such a holy thing, a promise and vow to God that two person is willing to stay and being committed in the relationship, hoping for a long lasting marriage.

These days, it was so easy to get married once you feel all the butterfly feeling, but staying in marriage is difficult. Sometimes such news like this gives me clarity that it's better to be late to get married with the right person rather than rushing to tie a knot but gonna last only for a couple of years. It was really a waste of time - not withstanding that it can turn out to be a mistake to learn and such, but sometimes it's such a pity that it has to end that way. Even though we know, there is no such a perfect person or right person, but rather than someone who can be your companion, who can talk about everything and care of each other. Sometimes, marriage is about to "let" each other, as in give up certain standards or need for the sake of his/her happiness. But how many times are you willing to let the other person "win"? Marriage in the end is all about lifetime and a lifetime is a very long time.

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