Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reminders If You Are In Your 20s & Feel Stuck in Life

"Nothing will ruin your 20s more than thinking you should have your life together already."

Have you ever woken up one day, completely clueless with no direction? We all have gone through such feelings before. Everywhere you look, you come across people who you think are at a better place in life than you are, and that suffocating feeling just drags you down further. Stuck in life, at a job, at home, or at relationships, the feeling of being less than what you expect yourself, just pulls you apart. These are some feelings that every 20-something has gone through in their life. In this haphazard way of life, we often forget to form meaningful relationships, find something that means a lot to us, and a place where we can actually be happy. If this is what you also go through, then remember it is okay, it is a process you go through to reach a better place. But before that, you need to remind yourself that everything is going to be okay. So, every one of you, who is looking at their life right now, and wondering if it will ever get better or not, here are 20 things to remind yourself.

1. You are enough. 
2. Your circle of friends gets smaller, but the quality of people gets better.
3. You are your own greatest asset, and it’s probably time you started giving yourself more credit.
4. Avoid comparing yourself to what you see on social media. The grass always looks greener on the other side.
5. People will judge you anyway, so do what makes you happy.
6. Let go of toxic relationships and anything that doesn’t help you grow.
7. You still have a long way to go, don't beat yourself up because of small disappointments or failures.
8. There is no specific age at which you need to have a job, travel the world, have a healthy relationship, or have children. Things will come into your life when the time is right, don't chase after goals set according to other people's achievements. 
9. Stop being fearful of rejection, be courageous and tell people how you feel. 
10. Shitty people will say and do shitty things, and the best thing you can do is ignore it.
11. No one has the right to make you feel guilty about the life choices that you have made so far, be it related to your work, your relationships, or even your sex life.
12. When your job gets really tough, that’s when you have to realise how much you care about your work, or how much you need to find a different job.
13. Remember that you work to live, you don’t live to work.
14. Get a hobby that makes you feel good about yourself and follow it with all your heart.
15. Laughter is the greatest form of therapy. So do it often, alone or with people who make you feel good about yourself. Laugh and let go.
16. A stable relationship does not have to necessarily mean having a romantic partner.
17. Losing love is better than never having that love at all. So don't ever stop yourself from falling in love. Take the plunge, my friend.
18. Document your journey and important events in life so that you can be more self-reflective. You will notice things about yourself that you never did before.
19. Call your parents and don’t be too proud to ask them for advice. They may be wrong sometimes, but their experience in life may turn out to be helpful. 
20. Be passionate, be fearless, and go after what you want in life.

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