Tuesday, October 3, 2017

While You Were Sleeping Episode 1 & 2 First Impression

Finally I have time to watch 'While You Were Sleeping' and it's a bit confusing yet surprising for me! I never thought they successfully make the premier looks so promising and yet very surprising twist. LOL. It's a bit risky actually to do the same sequence for premier episode, but with a surprising twist, it summarizes and leave a big impression on how the drama will go on.

To be honest, I am quite afraid as how Suzy will do her acting in this drama, specially being compared to a famous lead actor, Lee Jong Suk. I still remember their competition on Wednesday-Thrusday drama between Uncontrollably Fond and W:Two World. Though I end up siding more with Uncontrollably Fond, but I found that W is such an amazing work up until the twisting plot. It's such a disappointed ending in my own personal opinion, though Lee Jong Sok is such a professional actor and can pull out every character he plays. 

However, as I watched the premiere, I would say they both fill each other perfectly. Both looking good, though I swear why Lee Jong Suk has to act like a narcissist, it gives me a strong impression that he's kinda on feminime side. But, whatever, as long as the story goes smoothly. I wonder whether this drama will end up in a good way or not, but somehow with the childhood cliche, I guess, we would have some romance on the other side :D Maybe both of them would work together to challenge the future.

One more thing I would stand applause is how strong the advertisement for this drama. It's so strong that it builds impression that Suzy is the one who owns the ability to see the future, whil eventually in first episode, we know from the flashback that it was Lee Jong Suk who posseses the ability. Maybe it was coincidental or whatever they call, but somehow they have such conncection. 

Curious enough? Better check out the episode. Never gonna let you close to the spoiler XD

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