Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Janice Yan 閻奕格 - The Gaze 凝視

午後的陽光 照亮你淩亂頭髮
Wu hou de yang guang zhao liang ni ling luan tou fa
你沒發現身上 有一片蔚藍
Ni mei fa xian shen shang you yi pian wei lan
凝視你努力流汗 和你努力忍住的淚光
Ning shi nu li liu han he ni nu li ren zhu de lei guang
Wo zen me ye jue de you yi dian bi suan

你憑著無懼的膽量 就快拿下了夢想
Ni ping zhe wu ju de dan liang jiu kuai na xie le meng xiang
你卻常常忘了 要為自己鼓掌
Ni que chang chang wang le yao wei zi ji gu zhang
凝視你閃爍眼光 倒映著大家奮鬥的模樣
Ning shi ni shan shuo yan guang dao ying zhe da jia fen dou de mo yang
在沉悶的地方 盡情地貪玩
Zai chen men de di fang jin qing de tan wan

勇敢吧 你跑起來是多麼好看
Yong gan ba ni pao qi lai shi duo mo hao kan
你不要低估信仰 可以帶你飛向遠方
Ni bu yao di gu xin yang ke yi dai ni fei xiang yuan fang
唱響了年輕的樂章 對得起你那些倔強
Chang xiang le nian qing de yue zhang dui de qi ni na xie jue qiang
不孤單 讓我陪你用力大聲唱
Bu gu dan rang wo pei ni yong li da sheng chang

微笑吧 你笑起來是多麼燦爛
Wei xiao ba ni xiao qi lai shi duo mo can lan
你真的適合開朗 你眼神有漂亮的光
Ni zhen de shi he kai lang ni yan shen you piao liang de guang
凝視你凝視的方向 我找到我堅強力量
Ning shi ni ning shi de fang xiang wo zhao dao wo jian qiang li liang
再不怕 一路上要迎接的風浪
Zai bu pa yi lu shang yao ying jie de feng lang
瞳孔裡閃著炯炯有神的 瘋狂
Tong kong li shan zhe jiong jiong you shen de feng kuang

會失望卻不會絕望 青春大概都這樣
Hui shi wang que bu hui jue wang qing chun da gai dou zhe yang
總是一再碰撞 卻不介意受傷
Zong shi yi zai peng zhuang que bu jie yi shou shang
凝視我內心渴望 猜不透我想變成怎麼樣
Ning shi wo nei xin ke wang cai bu tou wo xiang bian cheng zen me yang
但我至少肯定 不想就這樣
Dan wo zhi shao ken ding bu xiang jiu zhe yang

Repeat *

微笑吧 你笑起來是多麼燦爛
Wei xiao ba ni xiao qi lai shi duo mo can lan
你真的適合開朗 你眼神有漂亮的光
Ni zhen de shi he kai lang ni yan shen you piao liang de guang
凝視你凝視的方向 我找到我堅強力量
Ning shi ni ning shi de fang xiang wo zhao dao wo jian qiang li liang
再不怕 一路上要迎接的風浪
Zai bu pa yi lu shang yao ying jie de feng lang

Repeat *

瞳孔裡閃著炯炯有神的 瘋狂
Tong kong li shan zhe jiong jiong you shen de feng kuang

Monday, November 26, 2018

只有你还在 Only You Are Still by Janice Yan 阎奕格

只有你还在 by 阎奕格
Only you are still by Janice Yan


还以为我够坚强 经得起一再碰撞
I thought I was strong enough to stand up and down again.
不去看 裂开的 渴望
Don't look at the cracked desire
一直到透明海洋 在房间兴风作浪
Until the transparent ocean makes waves in the room
才惊觉 眼眶已 投降
I was shocked that my eyes had surrendered.

世界太大 明明很好躲藏
The world is too big, it’s very good to hide.
可为什么 你能发现我泪光
But why can you find me tears?

当泄了气的骄傲 再无法逞强
When the pride of deflation can no longer be reluctant
背对所有关心 一个人沮丧
Back to all care, one person, depressed
只有你 还在我的身后
Only you are still behind me
Alone and stubborn

当最后一丝优雅 被眼泪扯下
When the last trace of elegance is torn off by tears
最不堪的自己 自己都恐慌
The most unbearable, I am panicked.
只有你 还在我的身旁
Only you are still by my side
Put a hope on my wound

摊开的怀疑不安 已被你笑容蒸发
The suspicion of distraction has been evaporated by your smile
你多像 订作的 太阳
You are more like a custom sun.
要去的每个方向 都有你跟上步伐
Every direction you want to go has you keep up with the pace
你陪我 闯我的 天涯
You accompany me, oh my horizon.

世界太大 难免缭乱眼花
The world is too big, it’s inevitable
可为什么 你总看见我的光
But why do you always see my light?

当泄了气的骄傲 再无法逞强
When the pride of deflation can no longer be reluctant
背对所有关心 一个人沮丧
Back to all care, one person, depressed
只有你 还在我的身后
Only you are still behind me
Alone and stubborn

当最后一丝优雅 被眼泪扯下
When the last trace of elegance is torn off by tears
最不堪的自己 自己都恐慌
The most unbearable, I am panicked.
只有你 还在我的身旁
Only you are still by my side
Put a hope on my wound

终于敢放下 完美的盛装
Finally dare to let go of the perfect dress
终于能 放心的相信
I can finally believe in it.
When it is weak, it is worthy of being loved.

泄了气的骄傲 再无法逞强
Depressed pride, no more reluctance
背对所有关心 一个人沮丧
Back to all care, one person, depressed
只有你 记得原来的我
Only you remember the original me
Quietly waiting for me to dawn

最后一丝优雅 被眼泪扯下
The last trace of elegance was torn down by tears
最不堪的自己 被你拥抱着
The most unbearable one is hugged by you
只有你 不需要任何代价
Only you don't need any price
Respond to the confusion in my eyes with love

只有你 还在我的身旁
Only you are still by my side
心上的遗憾 会变成收藏
The regret in my heart will become a collection