As Yeong sits with Ra On, he thinks to his talk earlier with Teacher Dasan, when he’d seen Ra On’s mother show up once more. He hadn’t thought much of it until she mentioned seeing someone at the lantern festival who resembled her child, and that had provided Yeong with the missing link.
So now, he asks Ra On to promise not to let go of him when confronted with difficulty, and she agrees. He tells her his wish has been fulfilled, and steps aside as she reunites with her mother.
As mother and daughter embrace, Teacher Dasan watches from a distance and exchanges looks with Yeong.
In another flashback, we see their most recent talk, when Yeong had confronted Teacher Dasan about hiding the truth from Ra On’s mother—he knows both are looking for each other, and they ought to be allowed to reunite. Teacher Dasan asks what would happen if that reunion proves dangerous to the Crown Prince—especially when remaining silent on the matter could allow him to be happy with Ra On. Yeong says firmly that while he doesn’t know what that danger may be, he doesn’t want to be the cause of breaking up a family.
Mother and daughter can’t get enough of looking at each other, and Mom asks if it has been difficult for Ra On all this while, wondering how she came to be a eunuch. Ra On replies that she’ll tell her the full story in due time, and assures her that she’s living well, and that the Crown Prince is very good to her.
Mom’s face falls as she realizes, “Then that person over there… is the Crown Prince?” Her expression clouds.
Yeong tells Teacher Dasan that his words do concern him, but he’s thankful that Dasan gave him the choice. Teacher Dasan replies, “Is fate something you can meet just by wanting to, or avoid just by wanting to?” Yeong returns, “That is exactly what I want to say.”
Ra On’s mother is subdued as she and Ra On rejoin the Crown Prince, though she doesn’t outwardly betray her fears. Yeong assures her that Ra On will be released from palace service soon, and Ra On happily says goodbye, telling her mother they’ll see each other soon.
After Ra On and Yeong leave, Teacher Dasan tells Mom, “Now what’s left is for Ra On to make a choice.” But Mom disagrees, deeply unnerved to hear that Ra On is at the palace, and in such close proximity to the Crown Prince. She laments, “You know this cannot be.”
A sudden downpour sends Ra On and Yeong under a tree for temporary cover. She offers to fetch an umbrella, and Yeong commands, “Do that.” As she turns to go, he adds, “…is what you think I would say?" Instead, he takes her by the hand and leads her on a slow stroll in the rain. She suggests he hurry his pace, then supposes that the Crown Prince never runs in the palace.
Yeong replies, “But what of it? Do you suppose a Crown Prince ever liked a eunuch either? It all just happened that way.”All of a sudden, Yeong yanks her closer by the hand and shields her from the rain with his sleeve. He gives her the nod and they take off together, running in the rain.
Byung Yun slips into the Crown Prince’s empty room, casts a wary look around, and leaves a book on his desk. It's written, Secret Record Book. He ducks out stealthily when Yeong and Ra On enter the room, and Ra On fetches a handkerchief from a chest to pat the water from Yeong’s face. She worries that he’ll catch a cold, but he just stares into her eyes and places his hand on top of hers. He reaches to untie her hat ribbon and pulls the hat off her head.
Then with a sly grin, he literally sweeps her off her feet and carries her over to his bed, where he sits down with Ra On in his lap. He takes the handkerchief from her hand, then returns the gesture, dabbing the moisture from her face.
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I really like this scene! It feels so sweet and gentle OMG. |
“I’m scared,” Ra On tells Yeong. He asks why, and she replies, “Because I’m so happy. What if happiness meant for someone else has come to me? And what if it will be stolen away again?” Yeong asks if she’s that happy to see her mother again. Ra On says that it’s a happy thing to have someone to be with both inside and outside of the palace. “If you’re happy, I’m happy too,” Yeong says.
Then he adds, “But you talk as though you will be fine without me outside of the palace, and that makes me sad.” Ra On assures him not to worry: “Without your permission, would I go anywhere?”
Byung Yun reports to Head Eunuch Han that he left the book in the Crown Prince’s room, as ordered. Byung Yun seems worried about the plan, but Head Eunuch Han tells him, “If one does not mean to act, there was no need to have hidden.” I
Byung Yun asks when the Eunuch will reveal everything to Ra On. Eunuch Han says, “I am waiting—for when the Crown Prince cannot do anything.”
Yeong reads his way through a pile of scrolls with a thunderous expression, and informs the elder Minister Kim (the minister of personnel) that they are accusations against him for accepting bribes in making government appointments. Yeong asks why none of these messages ever made it to him, and the nervous younger Minister Kim makes the excuse that they were unverified claims.
Yeong makes Minister Kim and Royal Secretary sweat more when he informs them that the petitioners anticipated this response and included evidence. He takes out that book left by Byung Yun, which they recognize, given that it was stolen from their home. The book contains a list of every government official who’d gotten his position through bribery, in full detail.
Minister Kim can barely even whisper that the charge is false, and when Royal Secretary is pressed, he has to admit that the information checked out as accurate. Yeong orders Minister Kim removed from his position. The minister feebly argues out that the Crown Prince must investigate this more thoroughly and consider the situation more carefully. Yeong tells him he’s right—he will be investigating this with the utmost gravity.
At the Kim family home, the inner circle discusses this calamity, wondering how the prince ended up with the stolen ledger o’ corruption. Their lead henchman joins them to report back that when he went to meet the supposed informant, they were already dead. However, he was able to find the name of Hong Gyeong Nae’s lost daughter: Hong Ra On. Yoon Sung remains silent while his elders mull this over. They deduce that Ra On won’t have used her real name, and order the henchman to keep digging.
Next, Yoon Sung goes to Yeong’s palace to discuss the bride selection, but hears that he’s in his library and heads over there instead. In the library, Yeong reads at a table while Ra On naps with her head on her arm. He moves his book to shield her from the sun, and sees her smiling in her sleep. Ra On opens her eyes, and Yeong lays his head down on the table too, as they hold their gazes steady.
He asks, “Even when you close your eyes, do you see me? You were smiling so much in your sleep.” Ra On answers, “Yes, I dreamed of you.”
Yoon Sung steps inside as Yeong takes Ra On’s hand and asks about her dream. Yoon Sung turns to leave quietly, just as Ra On explains, “I dreamed of when you first called me Ra On-ah.” At that name, Yoon Sung whirls back around, and Yeong replies, “Sleep more, Ra On-ah.” Yoon-sung’s eyes widen as he makes the connection.
Ousted Minister Kim is feeling vindictive, and plots of a way to get back at the Crown Prince. Minister Kim protests that it would be treason, but the elder Kim has thought of a cover. He produces the rebel mask (dropped by Byung Yun), explaining that they can carry out their scheme, drop the mask at the scene, and blame everything on the rebels. They can use this chance to accomplish several goals at once: hasten Yeong’s wedding, keep the rebels in check, and knock down the Crown Prince.
Minister Kim asks how to handle their plot with the prime minister, and the elder Kim replies that the prime minster would not stop them.
Yeong drops by to see Byung Yun, but finds his quarters empty. As he turns to go, he knocks a pile of clothing onto the ground and picks them back up. The bloodstained clothing is a little odd, but it’s the mask that grabs his attention, and he thinks back to when he saw something similar. Yeong recalls that fight in the city streets, when he’d jumped in to fight alongside Byung Yun and seen a dropped mask. And just as he makes the mental connection, Byung Yun arrives.
Ra On’s mother receives an unexpected visit from Head Eunuch Han, and seems rather angry to see him. She asks bitterly if he ever thought of how she and Ra On lived all this time while her husband prepared for the rebellion. Head Eunuch Han promises to take care of them now, but Mom rejects his help, afraid for what will happen to Ra On.
Eunuch Han pleads for her to help them ensure that hundreds of civilian deaths did not go in vain. Mom asks, “We do not know anything. Please, do not take any further interest in us.”
When Byung Yun arrives, Yeong indicates the bloodied clothing and asks if he’s injured. It hurts to see Byung Yun lies, not knowing that Yeong has suspicions; he says the injury came from yesterday’s training session.
Then, Yeong hears from another official that not only did Byung Yun skip training today citing illness, there was no training yesterday. Yeong’s face hardens.
That night, Yoon Sung runs into his grandfather’s henchman out in the city, who has found where Ra On is and is eager to report to the Kim clan. Yoon Sung’s eyes widen in alarm to hear that he knows Ra On is at the palace, and he asks if there’s proof. The henchman shows the document he’s carrying, and Yoon Sung sends him along to make the report. Then, Yoon Sung follows the henchman through the dark city streets. The henchman senses his tail, but relaxes when he sees that it’s Yoon Sung, who says he forgot to tell him something. He motions the man closer—and then slashes his throat. Yoon Sung takes the letter from the dead man, and its contents make his eyes widen in alarm.
At the palace, the Kims’ plot unfolds. Masked men in black infiltrate the palace walls and take down the night guards quickly, then open the gates for the rest of their ranks. Two of their own take up the guard posts while the rest head inside.
After reading that alarming document, Yoon Sung goes straight to Yeong. But Yeong starts by warning him not to say a word about Sam Nom (Ra On): “If [she] needs anything, I will be the one to do it.”
Yoon Sung contradicts him: “What Eunuch Hong needs is to leave this place.” Yeong bristles, considering this an overreach by Yoon Sung; any problem-solving will be up to Yeong. Yoon Sung doesn’t seem able to entirely flout his family, but he says earnestly, “As long as the two of you are together, you are in danger too.” That makes Yeong think of Teacher Dasan’s comments too, and he asks Yoon Sung what that danger is.
But Yoon Sung has no answer, so Yeong dismisses him, saying that if he was going to be shaken by such words, he would never have begun in the first place.
A bit later, as Ra On carries a tray of tea down the hall, she’s assailed from behind and dragged away. Her tray crashes to the ground, and around the corner several court ladies lie in pools of their own blood.
From his room, Yeong snaps to attention, picking up on the disturbance. His call outside goes unanswered, and he senses something wrong; he picks up his sword and readies himself, approaching his doors cautiously.
Then he flings open the doors, and finds Ra On held at swordpoint, with an army of masked intruders at her back. Yeong draws his sword and asks who they are, but they remain silent and continue their approach, pulling Ra On along with them.
Yoon Sung makes his way out of the palace, and as he passes by the (impostor) night guards, he notices blood on their hands. He pauses in his tracks, and the two guards exchange looks and draw their swords. But Yoon Sung anticipates this and charges them, swiftly taking charge of the situation and cutting them both down.
The masked mob advances into Yeong’s room, and he backs up warily, very aware of the blade held to Ra On’s neck. Finally he drops his sword and tells them that he doesn’t know what they want, but they can let Ra On go first.
He reaches a hand out slowly, carefully, toward Ra On, and she reaches out to grasp it. Just before they make contact, the leader raises his sword to charge the prince, who reacts just a hair quicker—he yanks Ra On toward himself, clearing the sword’s downward swing by inches, and holds her protectively.
In the next split-second, a body comes flying in through the paper-lined doors, breaking through the slats and rolling into the middle of the fray. It’s Yoon Sung (woohoo!), and he slashes one intruder on his way to joining the Crown Prince.
For a long moment, the two sides regard each other, and then the intruders charge. Yoon Sung launches himself forward and deftly fights one group, while Yeong does remarkably well defending himself with his sword scabbard.
At one point, blocking one attack with the scabbard leaves him open to another attack, and an assassin charges in with a sword pointed straight at Yeong’s chest. Yoon Sung sees the situation and leaps forward, grabbing the blade with his bare hand and stopping it mere inches from Yeong’s face.
Then Yoon Sung whirls around with the blade still firmly in his grasp, ignoring the injury to his hand as he holds his position. Yeong is so shocked he can’t believe his eyes, but Yoon Sung doesn’t even betray a hint of weakness while his hand grows bloodier and bloodier.
Ra On looks around frantically to try to help, and spots Yeong’s dropped sword on the floor. She slides it across the floor to Yeong, and he kicks it up by the hilt and grabs it in one smooth motion. Newly armed, Yeong fights with renewed determination, and (thankfully!) helps free Yoon Sung’s hand from its grip on the sword.
Now both friends launch themselves fully into the fight, whirling in tight quarters and taking on multiple assailants simultaneously. Yoon Sung drives several of them outside and fights in the hallway; Yeong takes on the remainder still inside.
Then, one attacker charges Ra On, who’s unarmed and alone. Yeong spots the danger and darts forward, blocking the sword with his own and taking down the assassin. But as he faces one swordsman, he misses the one at his back until it’s too late—the blade slashes across Yeong’s back. His blood spatters the walls.
Yeong is still able to hold his stance, but a final assassin drives forward and stabs Yeong in the gut with his sword. Oh no. No no nooooo.
Yeong musters the last bit of strength to cut down one assailant, but he’s injured badly and fading. With a gasp, he falls onto his knees, and when he looks up at the last masked assassin, he pictures Byung Yun standing there instead.
He asks in a trembling voice, “Is it you, Byung Yun-ie?” Ooof, that. It feels like the possibility of betrayal hurts even more than the stab wound in his gut. The assassin still wears Byung Yun’s face as he raises his sword for the deathblow. Ra On watches in horror, and then the sword swings downward…But only for a second, before the assassin goes slack, stabbed in the back. As he crashes to the ground, we see the real Byung Yun behind him, here in just the nick of time. Oh thank god. Thank you thank you thank you. Byung Yun apologizes for his late arrival, then sees one attacker fleeing and runs after him.
Yeong barely has time to register this before his injuries overcome him. Ra On catches him just as he falls unconscious in her arms.
Yoon Sung returns to the room, sees the scene, and quietly turns away.
The King is beside himself over this attack, and asks the prime minister what to do. Prime Minister Kim advises him to keep this incident from leaking outside the palace, arguing that it will do no good to stir public sentiment, and I’m thankful that at least Head Eunuch Han sharpens his gaze at that. Prime Minister Kim assure the king that he will take care of it quietly.
Minister Kim assure the prime minister Kim that they tied all their loose ends. But they’re putting on a false front for their leader’s sake, because privately the Ministers Kims fret about the one missing assailant: They sent ten, but there were only nine bodies. They hope he made a clean escape, but it’s a definite complication.
Ra On waits in pins and needles for the royal doctor to finish tending to the prince, and asks to see Yeong. She gets a stern refusal, and when she pleads to know how Yeong is doing, the doctor ignores her question.
At home, Yoon Sung sits down to paint, but his concerns weigh on him heavily, stopping him before he starts.
Yeong remains unconscious as he is treated by the royal doctors. Ra On huddles in his empty room, wondering when he will return.
Finally, Yeong opens his eyes, and the doctor at his side breathes a sigh of relief. As do we all. He informs Yeong that he’s been moved temporarily from his blood-soaked palace, and is under strict orders from the King to restrict all visitors other than doctors.
Yeong sits up with difficulty and requests one of his attendants, as he has something he needs to retrieve.
So Ra On is allowed in, although she pauses outside the door. She calls out to Yeong and asks if he’s okay, and has to struggle to hold back tears. She reminds him of her words that she was so happy it scared her: “When you collapsed, I was so scared. I thought, ‘In the end, my happiness is being taken back.’ Please do not ever let go of my hand. I will not let go, either.”
She reaches a hand to the door and rests it there longingly. And then, a hand joins hers, and an arm wraps comfortingly around her shoulders.
“How impertinent,” Yeong tells her. “Without my approval, there will be no one who can steal away your happiness. So, do not cry.” He tightens his grasp and vows, “Because I will not ever let go of this hand.” Ra On’s tears continue to fall, but at his words she does seem to breathe easier, resting into his hold as they stand there holding each other.
And then, we rejoin Yeong and Ra On when he’s back to full health and just about to grant Ra On permission to leave for the day. She promises to be back before curfew, but he insists that she be back before sundown instead.
Ra On pouts a little, then agrees.
Ra On’s mother is determined to leave with Ra On and informs Teacher Dasan. She has been deeply shaken by the news of Ra On serving the Crown Prince, as well as the recent attack, and can’t abide the fear of leaving Ra On there.
Ra On arrives outside the house just as her mother says, “That our Ra On and the Crown Prince have each other in their hearts as lovers—do you truly not understand what that means?”
Yeong spends the day at his desk, and looks up in surprise when a court lady lights a candle; the day has passed and Ra On is not back yet. He pouts a little, but then laughs it off.
Ra On’s mother tells Teacher Dasan that she worked so hard to cast off “that cruel fate,” forcing a beautiful girl to live as a boy. “If anybody finds out that our Ra On is the daughter of Hong Gyeong Nae…”
Ra On opens the door and looks at her mother in shock.
Yeong paces outside Jahyeondang that night, and thinks back to the promise he asked of her—to not let go of him even in her most difficult moment. He also thinks of Ra On’s cheerful comment that she wouldn’t go anywhere without his permission.
Ra On arrives, and asks if Yeong has waited a long time. He turns to face her, and in one moment feels a swoop of relief. They stand there and beam at each other, eyes shining.
I really really like this episode rather than yesterday's one. This episode is not a comedic style like the previous ones, but I am saying that this episode strengthens the story, even their relationship with each other. I have no other expression to let you guys know how much I appreciate the production team hardwork for bringing such amazing work. I love their editing scenes although from the past 2 episodes, they could make a better editing for the flashback. But with this quality, they've done their job properly for enabling us to get better understanding.
With the scenes whereby Yeong asked Ra On to promise him to never give up on him, it makes my heart flutters as he knows roughly what's gonna happen next, and whatever it is, he knows that they have a mountain to go through before they can be together. I like it when they put story as merely not a pure teenage love, as they enable us to see how they have to face the reality of social rank and status. And when Yeong said that he won't lie or hide anything for his own gain, I fell again with him. How many times will he make me fall for him then?
I am glad as Ra On finally found her own mother, but it leads to another misery as the relationship between Yeong and Ra On now feel like they are the Joseon's Romeo and Juliet. However, when her mother said to Eunuch Han, to never bother them regarding the riot, I am glad that she finally speaks up that her family now only need to live in peace as they know nothing at all. I hope Ra On will not be dragged to this complicated revenge plot and case.
Meanwhile, I like how Kim Yoon Sung acts as daddy-long-legs who happens to help Ra On secretly. Not only Ra On, but now he's standing on the same side as Yeong. I am so glad to him and cheer him on when he tried to save Yeong. He's so cool and there's no wonder that B1A4's Jinyoung doesn't get any negative comments regarding his acting since he's an idol who can really act! I wish that the talk between him and Yeong leads to a satisfying ending, whereby our main lead will live a happy life. I do wonder where they reach the conclusion already since the scene was not aired and I guess they will put it later on for a flashback. Meanwhile, I do wish they would reconcile again in the near future.
Although Kim Yoon Sung was there, but Yeong still collapsed which left me in shock as I thought that he's going to die! OMG, writer-nim, I don't wish you to put our Park Bo Gum in any danger other than that one. I am so sad when I saw how pale he looks and I wish Park Bo Gum himself always stay healthy.
Anyway, I like the backhug so much when Yeong said that he would never let of Ra On's hand. It's a simple gestures but it means a lot. We know by that scene that their love is not merely a pure monkey love anymore, but it's a connection between two hearts.
Anyway, I like the backhug so much when Yeong said that he would never let of Ra On's hand. It's a simple gestures but it means a lot. We know by that scene that their love is not merely a pure monkey love anymore, but it's a connection between two hearts.
And when Yeong wonders whether Ra On would come back to his side, he has faith that Ra On would come back as she promised him that she would never give up on him even when she's faced with difficulties. That's when the I can see the connection between this episode and the title, it's when Yeong has faith on her, that's when their Destiny starts to be written. Oh, how sweet that is!
I am so excited as how their story will go on, as Ra On now knows that she's Hong Gyeong Nae's daughter. I guess she will let go the revenge and will think back how Yeong treats him and had promised her that he will build a better nation for her. Besides, she never knows her real father and both her and her mother didn't have any memory regarding the riot. I really wish they would wrapped the case in a pretty nice way.
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